Michaela Paliouras

Michaela is a determined, passionate designer with a love for all things print and editorial! When possible her projects are tangible as she believes that materials play an equally important role to the content in editorial design for the audience experience. Something about the process and also the feel of the end product is what made her want to be a graphic designer. Michaela also loves to design things that can make an impact and highlight important issues by either raising awareness or encouraging people to take action and make a change. She is someone that loves to explore all things creative and thinks that graphic design is an incredible tool that allows you to be able to communicate with people without having to say anything.

This double-sided poster showcases the old Zimbabwean currency on one side, and some of the resilient Zimbabwean people who were affected by the declining economy, on the back.
Series 5 release of Zimbabwean bank notes arranged in a rainbow chevron pattern, displays beautiful colours and also pictures on the back.
Depicts the amount of people living in poverty in Zimbabwe, their struggle made worse by the declining economy.
Hyperinflation led to some incredible numbers appearing on bank notes, but they could barely buy a loaf of bread.
The decline in value of the Zimbabwean dollar against the US dollar over 6 Months.