Shay Prince

Shay is a graphic designer based in London, who specialises in visual design, typography and imagery that create impact. This portfolio is a collection of various design processes from editorial design, logo design and animation which is a passion. Shay has worked with People of Print and Print Club as work experience which has led to a strong interest and passion in print design.

Recent collaborations have been within fashion, collaborating on a customised shoe line; creating branding and a logo for the brand.

Shay’s final major project is based on Nigerian Tribal marks. Originally tribal marks were seen as an important symbol. They were marked on their faces to recognise what tribe they were from. Each page illustrates the different marks and the meaning behind them.

The back of the page shows an interview with Shay’s nan sharing her history about her experience with tribal marks as she has them herself, marked on each side of her cheeks.

Tribal Marks
Child's RightsInformation on a child's rights when it comes to marking their faces
Interview with NanSharing her history about her experience with tribal marks as she has them herself, marked on each side of her cheeks.
NostalgiaShay’s work is based on nostalgia. A nostalgic feeling can involve home and family, but it can also involve a longing for long-gone moments. Her work shows an impression of what nostalgia means to her. Shay gathered home videos, narrating it into a story to show the viewers a memo. Forming a digital installation combing the videos with a colour bar and glitch effect.