Rizzy Khatun

Rizzy is an independent and attentive digital illustrator who has a passion for creating highly detailed work based solely on her life and the struggles she faces on a daily basis. Her main goal in her illustrations is to tell a story which is being depicted as magical and mysterious images.

Rizzy's illustrations are a way for her to pour her feelings and thoughts onto a canvas and let her audience know they are not alone in the struggles they face. The one thing that all her pieces have in common is the high level of detail within them no matter the subject and theme of the artwork.

An illustration drawn of a chef for the Franco Manca Project.
An illustration of hands with sticky cheese being separated between the fingers.
Another illustration for Franco Manca. A book full of recipes and all the ingredients needed to make pizza flying out of the book.
A collage made on Photoshop using imagery drawn traditionally and scanned into the computer.
A scary collage using traditional media which was put together in Photoshop.