Cherie Lee

Cherie is a multifaceted designer, who enjoys creating mixed media works. Experimenting with paints, inks, clay and photography in particular, her work serves as a diary to record things that happen to her or current issues that are important to her (i.e. dyslexia and the current pandemic). Cherie also uses art to explore her interests such as history.

Recently, Cherie has teamed up with her course-mate Anaab to work on a zine (@pigeonhole_illustrations) outside of their university work which illustrates the stories of people from around the world.

She has previously worked as a designer at a social enterprise, which focuses its work for the visually impaired, helping to design and print tactile art for exhibitions and textbooks.

A Post in TimeThese postage stamp designs are a response piece to the current pandemic. Cherie Lee drew mainly inspirations from panic buyers and the phenomenon known as “Zoom Fatigue.”
FearAn image of a cat in fear of an ongoing war. This piece was created as part of a series of images for a tabletop games design competition.
Winged TerrorsAn illustration expressing the fear of being surrounded by a swarm of pigeons in the middle of London, in response to the question of what aspect of London Lee dislikes.
Favourite FoodsA motion graphics piece that showcases Cherie Lee's favourite foods. This was a part of Lee's elective Motion Graphics course.
Heavenly PeaceA boy sleeps peacefully with his beloved velveteen rabbit. This is one of a series of 8 illustrations for an assignment to draw the story of ‘The Velveteen Rabbit.’