Naysha Patel

Naysha Patel is an artist who works using digital and physical methods, her work explores various subjects relevant to projects.

As this project was given during the pandemic Naysha decided to focus on NHS workers. The work she has chosen to submit is a series of illustrations that explore NHS workers and the topic of Women Empowerment, her inspiration has come from the women in her family some of whom are NHS workers. Naysha wanted to show how NHS workers are often overlooked and under-appreciated for all the sacrifices they make while also incorporating the theme of empowering women.

The series explores a female NHS worker in the different roles of her life, the series is limited to what Naysha has seen within her family and shows motherhood, NHS at work and taking care of the family (cooking). Doing this work allowed Naysha to show her appreciation to NHS workers and women in general especially to the ones within her family in her own personal way.

NHS at Work
NHS Family Caretaker
NHS Mother