Martina Formilli Fendi

Martina is a designer who defies definition. Her passions and strengths are diverse but are underlined by her convictions that are founded on justice and honesty. Her skills lie in the imaginative way she deconstructs and then fuses elements of fine art with graphic design to create transmedia art in its purest sense. Her archive website is not only an appreciation of design within a historical context but an organic way for the participant to interact and produce their own unique art. She draws on the past, brings it to the present and propels it towards the future.

She remains true to her fundamental beliefs that underpin her life and work: the role and value of women in art and society and the undeniable respect we owe each other as human beings. Her piece for the Times Up campaign forced the viewer to re-evaluate their language through the use of ‘stop and think’ prompts in the form of commonly used phrases. Cards for Humanity engaged her own generation through an interactive game that encouraged a behavioural shift in lifestyle.

Martina strives to be environmentally aware, exploring this through her dissertation business project that synthesised art and design with a commercial, practical application within the parameters of sustainability.

“...My greatest reward would be if my Book of Cards inspired even only one person..." - Umberto Formichella
Cards for Humanity engages future generations through an interactive game that inspires meaningful change towards a more sustainable lifestyle.