Alex Grahame

Specialising in womenswear design, Alex values having the ability to balance creativity and pragmatism. Her initial approach to concept is atmospheric; revolving around communicating various subjects or ideas through world building which is translated into tangible design development.

She is strong in both 2D and 3D methods of design and her process encompasses the breadth of her skill set which ranges from illustration, research and print to extensive sampling, pattern cutting, CAD and draping.

Through interning at Haider Ackermann in pattern cutting, she values being able to realise and resolve designs which have a focus on luxury finishing and manufacture. This is in line with her belief in the importance of retaining a level of craftsmanship within fashion.

OLEANDER coverThis collection aims to offer a new Australian narrative with particular focus on interpretations of the land. Flora and fauna are typical subjects for Australian designers to celebrate however, I find the use of their image to be prosaic; or a superficial appreciation. Rarely how unpredictable, harsh and unforgiving our environment and all its inhabitants can be is explored. In saying this, it is also a further depiction of my own relationship with home and how I found myself both rejected from it and rejecting it myself.
Concept board
Band development
Shoulder chain