Yetunde Adeleye

With a focus on infographics and technical illustrations, Yetunde uses the medium of graphic design to explore unconventional methods of combining these two areas of interest. Visually deconstructing the underlying mechanisms of a watch and investigating the development of Japanese calligraphy. Yetunde has demonstrated an affinity for the intricacies of design. Japanese culture and art have been at the forefront of much of Yetunde’s work, including her dissertation and final major project, serving to showcase the malleability of Japanese script.

Kyakuhon, Japanese for script focuses on the features and functions of a Japanese script, Katakana. Through a series of posters Kyakuhon constantly compares the 3 scripts that are used to write Japanese. The words used in Kyakuhon are officially written in Katakana alone due to the function of the script. However, the same words can be found in Kanji and Hiragana. The series of posters are viewed from left to right.
The project “Caliber” explores the mechanisms of a watch. Caliber brings forth information that is quite difficult to find for those who are not familiar with the construction of a wristwatch. The poster shows the technical guide of an Omega 8500 caliber, all of the mechanisms, their names, and use.