Brigita Varkaviciute

Brigita Varkaviciute is a graduate of Ravensbourne University's BA (Hons) Fashion Buying and Brand Management. She decided to indulge herself in the Marketing world. Her final major project was focused on the predominant app market for educational purposes. It is mostly catered for fashion students, entrepreneurs, young brands, or brands that need a freshen up.

Throughout the project, Brigita mastered how to Identify target markets for brands, looking at creating consumer profiles and collating comparative brand research. As well as formulating a promotion strategy and media plan.

She is also very passionate about the environmental problems happening in the garment production industry, thus she wrote about this in her dissertation work - "Overconsumption in the fashion industry – How to change that?". In it, she analyses the production of garments and aimed to find a more adequate and moral approach in the industry. Brigita also is very interested in the production process itself. She chose to intern at her hometown garment making factory in Lithuania called "Utenos Trikotazas", where she managed to gain professional experience and secure valuable contacts for the future.

App launched on the phone 360
App launched on the phone 360
App Promotion Poster in Metro Station
The App Logotype
App User Interface