Alexandra Simmons

Alexandra is an Australian graphic designer who is interested in conceptual and research led projects. With an interest in exploring experience and emotion, her work incorporates mixing experimental techniques and processes to communicate an outcome. She loves exploring exhibitions and museums to source inspiration.

Alexandra has worked on live briefs with G.F Smith, Baddeley Brothers Foilco, Monotype and Queen’s House, to develop concepts and campaigns.

The ‘Im-print! Im-print!’ live brief proposes a design that celebrates the materiality and physicality of print through paper, folio and print production. This brief was set in collaboration with Baddeley Brother, G. F. Smith and Foilco. The outcome was inspired by the formation of waves. It aims to communicate qualities of the ocean through different printing process. The foil intends to capture the reflection of the sun and mimic the sea foam whereas litho and scoring have been used to define the structure and the movements of the swell.
The ‘Disabled People Have Sex Too’ campaign breaks down stigmas and tackles taboos - kick-starting positive conversations about sex and disability. The campaign features posters which use suggestive, abstract imagery alongside honest, humorous text and a micro-site where users are encouraged to share their own experiences of sex and disability. An accompanying social media campaign uses Instagram story capabilities to challenge misconceptions, start discussion and redirect users to the micro-site where they can learn more. This project was a collaborative piece between Anastasia Beedham, Lucy Rushton and myself.