Sophie Clarke

Sophie's interests very rarely lie within the real world. If there's no fictional element, the interest is mostly lost. Medieval fantasy is where her work and creativity flourish best. Anything from Norse Mythology to Dungeons and Dragons is where most of the illustrations she creates are inspired from. Working mostly digitally on Adobe Photoshop, she thrives from getting ideas through fantastical suspension of disbelief. The weirder the better! She has a particular fondness for mythological creatures; browsing through the many different bestiaries out there as well as creating her own.

She would always say that Illustration is the best decision she has made to chanel her enthusiastic, creative energy towards creating illustrations and always learning and improving with each piece of artwork. Sophie has a constant ambition to create weird and wonderful fantasy images through the inspiration of her favourite concept artists and illustrators, inspiring her to always keep drawing.

Sophie gets commissions for creating stylised concept art and character designs for those looking to get their fantasy ideas created; whether it's a Dungeons and Dragons character or visualising a Storyboard for a narrative.

Character Concept Art of two Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG Characters
Commission piece of a Dungeons and Dragons 5e Earth Genasi Monk Character
Part One of Three of a comic strip encourage healthy escapism through fantasy.
Part Two of Three of a comic strip encourage healthy escapism through fantasy.
Part Three of Three of a comic strip encourage healthy escapism through fantasy.