Sam Carpenter

Samuel is a 21 year old 2D character animator currently living in London. Watching cartoons started out as a obsession of his, mainly growing up on the very famous Newgrounds. Eddsworld, OneyNG and Jarrad Wright are just a few of his biggest inspirations and idols. His obsession that started with watching Scooby Doo and internet cartoons grew to become a passion and longing to understand the craft of animation.

The "dream" for him, so to speak, would be getting paid to make the cartoons he has always wanted to make, and being able to spread his work for others to see and enjoy, if they choose to do so. He loves to animate and draw crazy no holds bar things. When someone asks "why", he replies "why not". To be able to be ambitious and put all his effort, love and all his other traits into his work, and have others see it as a reflection of himself would be a dream come true. At some point Samuel wants to animate it all and not limit himself with practicalities rather only his imagination.

Sam Carpenter's showreel featuring university work and personal work from 2019 to 2020.
A Bigger FishCharacter Design for the protaganist of the short animation.
A Bigger FishCharacter Design for the Ocean God of the short animation.
A Bigger FishA frame from the animation itself