Pin Mirin

Pin is a Menswear designer. Welcome to her mourning life diary, adapting to a new life was the most challenging thing she has ever done. Moving away from the most simple of lives from a small village in Thailand to a new modern world filled with technology was the scariest thing. In order to not forget the people and the life she left behind she wears black to mourn for her family and herself.

Both countries have taught her a lot in this life, and the inspiration of free shapes came from the combination of my life that she used to have back in Thailand and the life she has now in the UK. Pin would say that her love of free shapes came from the modern buildings in the UK and the nature in Isan, her home region in Thailand. This takes her back to when she was 10 years old. Before moving to the UK she lived close to the mountains away from the city, this allowed her to appreciate the organic shape of nature. The way she expresses her love of free shape is how she has adapted to two different worlds, bringing them together to create shapes that are unique to her.

Since Covid-19 she has not been able to physically complete the collection, however this has been taken forward with Marvellous Designer software. The Project has featured in various magazines such as Vogue Italia and Love Magazine and a live interview through Twitch showingcasing a portfolio with over 60,000 people watching.

Concept Development, Explanation of the reason behind the project
Fitting Day
Fashion Illustration and Development Design
Fabric Manipulation and Sampling
Design Development