Henry Yeomans

Henry Yeomans specialises in 3D CGI and kinetic typography. His work encompasses all forms of motion from product films, title sequences and stage visuals to experimental shorts and posters. He has worked with multiple studios on productions for major brands such as Argos, Spotify and Puma, and has had his personal work exhibited at Amsterdam Central Station (Demo Festival) and at Milton Keynes Gallery (MKCalling 2020).

I designed the titles for a hypothetical design festival - Revolve. The festival explores the potential of Artificial Intelligence in the creative industries.
In this film I represented Circular Fashion through a series of visual metaphors related to nature and humanity.
I designed Stage Visuals for sections of different Radiohead music. The imagery is intended to support the tone and mood of the current song.
These posters challenge the fine line between distortion and legibility. They act as a metaphor for the simultaneous ease and difficulty of communication in the digital age.
My showreel including all my favourite work over the past few years.