Emily Carmichael

Emily is a motion graphic designer who has a keen eye for visual storytelling. With the purpose of raising awareness and educating others on the related issues, Emily's interest in the climate crisis leads her to create many pieces about this ever-important area. Through campaigns, infographics, and typography, Emily is able to experiment with many different styles and execute animated designs that best fit the narrative.

Before starting her degree, she worked as a Marketing Assistant, helping to create social media campaigns and graphics for promotional material. More recently she has worked with brands such as Aquafresh, Always, and Emirates Airlines creating content to be used in social media ads.

Showreel of Emily Carmichael's work from the course.
For my final major project, Emily Carmichael set out to create a campaign that would bring more awareness to the climate crisis. The phrase "our house is on fire" has been commonly used in reference to this and using this idea she came up with the concept of having a dolls house to show how the different problems are all linked. In her work, you can see some of the issues she highlighted, such as plastic pollution and the over usage of palm oil. ​The final elements that she created for the campaign are social media ads and a longer video for Youtube/TV.
'Klahrk' is a music producer and sound designer. They wanted to update their brand to look more futuristic and bold, so Emily Carmichael created a new identity using kinetic typography, and a mix of 2D and 3D graphics. The final elements that Ellysia created are a new logo, motion posters, social media promotional posts and visuals for gigs.