Edward Osborne

Edward is a diligent and committed product designer who specialises in sketching, concept development and model-making. Edward's interests in sustainability, audio products and consumer philosophy often influence the direction and inspiration for his products. This inspiration guides his products to explore alternative methods of consumption, sustainable design, and design for repairability. While writing his dissertation on how to be a more stoic consumer, his eyes were opened to the cost of careless consumerism, and had a great impact in ensuring his products would aim to offer uniquely sustainable alternatives to what already exists.

During the research phase of his final major project which was centered around a D.I.Y guitar for children, Edward built industry connections with guitar manufacturer Gray Guitars. This gained him valuable industry knowledge that was implemented into his project and enabled him to secure an internship with the company.

KITTAR is a modular D.I.Y guitar for children. The instrument allows the children to upgrade it themselves over time. This aims to keep children engaged with learning the guitar over the years of learning the instrument.
Branch-It is a structure building forest game aimed to improve people's mental health by engaging with nature.
Branch-It uses a wooden totem that allows players to build a large abstract sculpture using woodland materials. This activity promotes mindfulness by immersing the players in the natural world around them.
Wedge is a furniture piece which can be assembled into a number of different funiture pieces. The use of rubberised wedges allow the user to quickly and easily build the furniture they require.
Wedge is a furniture piece which can be assembled into a number of different funiture pieces. The use of rubberised wedges allow the user to quickly and easily build the furniture they require.